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My screen flickers when I play Arcade Mah Jongg or Super Bubbles.

We've fixed the problem in the latest demo downloads available here. If you experience the same issue in a purchased full version, please contact us to get an update.

I'm having other problems with one of your products or demos. Can you help?

We would love the opportunity to resolve any difficulties you may have, even if that includes creating a new build or patch for you! Make sure that you have the latest DirectX drivers, available here. Note that we will post other issues as they are brought to our attention on this support page.

Please visit our contact form and send us a message at any time. Be sure to mention the product name, version number, your operating system and if you know, general system configuration information such as the type of sound card and video cards you are using. If our games display any "Technical Support" message boxes, please include a description of what is shown.

Is it safe to buy your products on-line with my credit card?

Yes. Our on-line ordering system is served by an industry leader in ESD, which stands for Electronic Software Distribution. Every transaction involving your credit card through our e-commerce partner is encrypted, so you can feel safe using your credit card without risk. If you have any additional concerns about this, please Contact Us Now.

Where are the Arcade Mah Jongg instructions?

We are working on incorporating the instructions into the game itself. Meanwhile, look here -- and let us know if you need any more help!

Where are the Bloink instructions?

We are working on incorporating the instructions into the game itself. Meanwhile, look here -- and let us know if you need any more help!

Arcade Mah Jongg quits before the game starts.

This game requires a sound card. Without that, it will not run. If you do have a sound card, here's what you should try. Make sure that you download and install the latest multimedia drivers from Microsoft. Nearly all PC games and multimedia applications depend on these drivers, and you can find them at - once you have those, and you still have problems, contact us here and we'll do our best to help you.

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